Children with additional needs
There are many children with additional needs. Most families keep their children at home almost all the time. They are afraid to take them out because society as a whole does not accept them. We call them the ‘hidden children’. There are few facilities and little provision or help. We have met a number of children with complex needs. Often there is nowhere for these families to turn for help. As the word spreads, we are seeing increasing numbers of these children who have been hidden because of ‘the shame it brings’ to the family – a perceived stigma. A family may decide it is easier and less painful just to stay at home.

Many children remain untreated as their families cannot afford to visit doctors, travel to hospital, receive treatments and / or have operations at hospital. Even if limited state aid may be available, they may not know how to access this. Also, they may not even have been registered at birth; rendering them ineligible. A ride in an ambulance may be too costly for them. An operation may cost the equivalent of hundreds or even thousands of pounds. With the average monthly wage being £130 it is impossible, even if all extended family members contribute, for this to be affordable. The families are incredibly grateful for anything that helps their child to survive.

“Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world”
Nelson Mandela
Some children are not in school on a daily basis due to poverty, chaotic home lives, discrimination or being engaged in child labour. They have to purchase their own books and stationery, so we assist with this. We provide shoes and clothing, as without these basics they may not attend school.