Volunteering ideas
Administration and Social Media
We are a UK based charity and are always looking for volunteers to help with our administration and communications support. Please contact us if you have skills in these areas.
Short term visits
We have a number of limited opportunities for people to visit our work in Albania for a short time. 1-2 week team trips are arranged a few times a year, allowing people to experience what life is like in a country ranked in the bottom three poorest in Europe.
Team trips vary from painting murals in schools, general painting and renovation, being helping hands in an on-going project, playing hop scotch in the street, litter picking etc. Put simply, wherever possible we use whatever skills you can offer – and there is always a need.
Short Term Visit Costs
The costs involved include:
- Flights and travel, usually into Corfu and then a ferry trip.
- Vaccinations – check NHS guidelines.
- Travel insurance.
- Accommodation and food will be with local families or in budget hotels which are inexpensive.
We would also ask any volunteers to consider raising some money for the projects you will be working alongside too.
You may think you are going to help change things – there is no doubt about it – however YOU will come back changed too. It will be life changing for both you and the communities you work with, so come on and take the plunge!

Specific Skills
Do you have specific skills that could make a difference? We are passionate about passing on skills and helping to equip those involved with our projects. However much time you can offer, come and help share some of your skills and train up others.
School teachers, Teaching assistants, Special needs teachers
Would you consider helping to invest in and help train teachers in creative, fun ways of teaching? Do you have experience working with children who are neurodiverse, such as autism?
Kids Club and Youth Workers
If you would like to come and work alongside a small emerging kids club and youth work then we would love to hear from you.
Physiotherapists / Occupational Therapists / Speech Therapists / Music Therapists / Art Therapists
Are you any of the above and willing to spare some time to go and share your skills and encourage our existing team? Their training and experience is limited as some are reasonably new therapies offered in Albania.
Even if you have none of the skills above there is something you can offer, either in the UK or Albania, and we would love to hear from you!